When and where are your worship services?
We have four worship gatherings on Sunday mornings at 8:00am, 9:45am, 11:30am, and 6:00pm. Our address is 31 Shell Point Recreation Pk, Beaufort SC 29906. We also livestream our 9:45am worship gathering here.
What do I wear?
We are a multi-generational church, so whether you arrive in shorts and a t-shirt or a suit and tie, you’ll find yourself welcome on Sunday mornings.
What time should I arrive?
Our worship gatherings tend to fill up quickly, so we suggest that you arrive at least 10 minutes prior to the start of the worship gathering that you are attending, especially if you are planning to check in children to CROSSkids.
What should I expect when I arrive?
When you pull onto our property, you will be greeted by our parking team, who will direct you to a parking spot. If you are in need of physical assistance, golf carts are available to shuttle you to the front door. If our parking lot fills up, you may be directed to overflow parking at Shell Point park, and our cart team will be happy to give you a ride to the front door of the facility. When you walk through the front doors, our welcome team will be there to greet you, and you can help yourself to a cup of coffee in our lobby.
Where do I go if I’m a first time guest?
When you approach the main entrance of the facility, please stop by the first time guest tent so we can meet you! Our first time guest team will have a small gift for you, and they will escort you to check in children at CROSSkids (if applicable) or to help you find a seat in the sanctuary. You can use the “plan a visit” button at the top of this page to complete pre-registration for yourself and any family members who may be attending with you.
Do you have a children’s ministry?
Yes! CROSSkids is available for Early Childhood (6 months – PreK) and Elementary (K-5th Grade) at our 8:00 a.m., 9:45 a.m., 11:30 a.m., and 6:00 p.m. worship gatherings.
How can I be confident that my children will be safe?
Each of our CROSSkids Ministry Team Members are Covenant Members at Cross Community who have been interviewed and independently background checked. Each classroom is staffed with 2 or more trained Ministry Team Members and we strive to create clean, fun, safe environments for our CROSSkids to hear the gospel and grow in their relationship with Jesus. We also have cameras installed in all CROSSkids rooms for additional security and accountability.
What happens if kids’ classrooms fill up?
As a congregation, we are blessed with the privilege of ministering to hundreds of Pre-K and elementary aged children on Sunday mornings. While we make every effort to accommodate as many children as possible, we do occasionally hit the maximum allowable capacity for CROSSkids rooms. When this happens, we utilize a waitlist and make every effort to get as many CROSSkids into classes as possible. Children are more than welcome to attend worship gatherings with their parents, but if your children become restless we have a kid-friendly overflow room available with a live video feed from the sanctuary.
How long do worship gatherings typically last?
Our worship gatherings usually last about 70 minutes. Our gathering consists of music, prayer, expositional preaching of God’s Word and sharing in the Lord’s Supper (Communion). We also celebrate baptisms following the 11:30 worship gathering on a monthly basis.
What if I need to talk with someone confidentially while I’m there?
At the end of our worship gatherings, our prayer team is always available. As the congregation is being dismissed, you can connect with a prayer team member at the front of the sanctuary, and they will be glad to pray with you. If needed, they can direct you to a pastoral staff member for further discussion or counseling.
How can I get connected?
– Fill out a Next Steps Card
– Stop by the Next Step area in the main lobby before or after Worship on a Sunday morning to speak with a Next Step Ministry Team Member or CCC Staff member who can help you connect at Cross.
Why do you take communion every week?
The Lord’s supper, instituted by Christ Himself the night before he went to the cross, is a clear, visible expression of the gospel message. While Scripture never prescribes the frequency with which believers must partake at the Lord’s table, we believe coming to the table on a weekly basis helps keep our hearts and minds rooted in the finished work of Christ. We believe the biblical evidence for weekly communion is strong, and weekly observance of the table has been standard practice for the vast majority of Christ-followers throughout the centuries. Where songs or sermons may fall short, coming to the table ensures that we will be reminded of the good news every single week.
What is a Community Group and how can I join one?
A community group is a group of 12-18 adults who meet in homes throughout the Beaufort area for fellowship, prayer, and sermon-based discussion on the preaching text for that week. Community groups are the first level of congregational care as a church family. There is no formal start or stop time for Community Groups and you can join one at any time. We have dozens of groups currently meeting, and you can learn more about groups or join a group here.
Do you have a student ministry?
Yes! CROSSover Student Ministry meets on Wednesday nights for 6th-12th grade students.
What do you offer for men and women?
Our primary ministry to men and women throughout the year is through our Bible Study opportunities. These Men’s and Women’s study groups typically meet weekly fall through spring in various formats to foster a deeper level of growth in our life with Christ and knowledge of His Word. In the summer we also offer mixed-gendered group studies in various formats.
In addition to Bible Studies, our Women’s Discipleship Ministry, Cultivate, has a monthly newsletter called the Cultivate Notebook filled with resources to nurture growth in your walk with Christ.
Do you offer counseling?
We do offer counseling from qualified biblical counselors who are equipped to come alongside those in need of care during difficult life circumstances or times of crisis. If you are interested in counseling, please fill out the Counseling Information Request Form and one of our pastors will follow up with you soon.
How do I become a member of CCC?
CROSSpointe is a 2-part, bi-monthly membership class where we cover our core doctrinal beliefs, teach through our mission, vision, and values, connect you to relational and ministry opportunities, and teach about biblical church membership. Sign up for CROSSpointe by filling out a next steps card (see above) online or during a Sunday worship gathering, or stop by the Next Steps area in the lobby on Sunday morning. You can learn more about covenant membership here.
What are your affiliations?
As a church, our primary affiliation is with the Acts 29 Network, and we also cooperate with the South Carolina Baptist Conviction. The Baptist Faith and Message 2000 is our primary doctrinal statement, and we also affirm the doctrinal distinctives of the Acts 29 Network.
What Bible translation do you typically use?
While we have a deep appreciation for numerous English translations, we primarily utilize the English Standard Version on Sunday mornings. The English Standard Version (ESV) is an essentially literal translation of the Bible in contemporary English. Created by a team of more than 100 leading evangelical scholars and pastors, the ESV Bible emphasizes word-for-word accuracy, literary excellence, and depth of meaning. Click here to learn more.
What do you believe about baptism?
At Cross Community, we hold to the distinctive of Believer’s Baptism by immersion. Baptism is an external demonstration of internal transformation. While baptism is not a work that saves us, it is the work we do to demonstrate that we have been saved. Following Jesus, first and foremost, requires following His command to be baptized. Through baptism, we publicly declare that we belong to Jesus Christ, having died to sin and the old self and have been raised to new life. While we are sympathetic to other faithful believers in Christ who may practice otherwise, we believe the clear pattern of the New Testament is for followers of Jesus to be baptized by immersion only after making a profession of faith in Jesus Christ.